Tania Gerard Digital

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IWFM Facilitate Magazine

Tania Gerard is featured in Facilitate Magazine

Tania Gerard in Facilitate Magazine, IWFM.

It was a real pleasure to craft this article for IWFM’s Facilitate Magazine “Now>Next>How?” feature.

While awareness of neurodiversity is growing, many companies still lack the flexibility and understanding to fully support neurodiverse employees in 2024, leading to underutilised talent and higher staff turnover.

To create inclusive workplaces, companies must go beyond awareness and implement policies that accommodate different cognitive styles. Key strategies include offering flexible work arrangements, providing tailored resources (such as assistive technologies), and implementing open communication. Leadership should actively champion neurodiversity, making it a core part of the company’s culture - not just ‘lip service’.

Embedding neurodiversity into workplace practices can help neurodiverse employees feel respected, safe and confident to provide higher quality of work for their Directors and company as a whole.

Read the full article here.

Book a consultation with me to discuss your next Neurodiversity workshop and make a real difference in your business today.